eBIZ Logo
Please, fill the form to be informed about the results and the activities of the eBIZ initiative in the field of interoperability, enterprise networking and standardisation.

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Furthermore you could be contacted to participate the focus groups of users.

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Registration for the eBIZ/MODA-ML newsletter
 (0/Max 50 char)

 *  (0/Max 50 char)

 *  (0/Max 150 char)

 (0/Max 255 char) You can also specify which kind of company is and what are the most relevant activities

 (0/Max 350 char) Examples: Colour faithfulness of images, EDIFACT experiences European wide, Plasma treatment of textiles, Supply chain management

 (11/Max 25 char) Today (automatically filled)

  For example Industry or Research or Consultant or technology supplier

  For example Energy, Textile, Clothing, Footwear, Information technology (ICT)

 (0/Max 80 char) Street and number

 (0/Max 10 char) es. 40100 or F-40144 (F for France, the country)

 (0/Max 50 char) Example BRUSSELS

 (0/Max 25 char) Please use english name: p. es. Germany, Greece

 (0/Max 20 char)

 (0/Max 20 char)

 *   This language will be used to contact you (presently English and Italian only)

Textile Clothing Sector: about which topics do you want to be informed via e-mail?




  Industry of Culture and Creativity include many domains, among them, for example, MultiMedia but also fashion industries


INTEROPERABILITY and STANDARDS: about which topics do you want to be informed via e-mail?



ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY: about which topics do you want to be informed via e-mail?





ICT for ...: about which topics do you want to be informed via e-mail?






 (11/Max 25 char) Today (automatically filled)
